Gained new customers despite corona

The coronavirus has also affected Heizungsmacher AG. The responsible person explains how the Swiss SME nevertheless managed to acquire new customers during the crisis.

The coronavirus has also affected Heizungsmacher AG. The responsible person explains how the Swiss SME nevertheless managed to acquire new customers during the crisis.

Best case: New customers gained thanks to native ads despite Corona

As an SME, Heizungsmacher AG specializes in the installation of heat pumps. Our best case shows how the company managed to acquire new customers thanks to Yaleo's advertising manager despite the corona crisis.

Need for action due to corona crisis

Although Heizungsmacher AG never had to close its operations, it felt the effects of the corona pandemic immediately: Fewer appointments with customers and new customers and a worsening order situation. Marcel Bachmann, responsible for marketing and finance at the SME, had to act.

Online ad on that catches the eye

On, an online ad caught his eye that looked like a journalistic article. “As a marketing manager at Heizmacher AG, I had been looking for alternative forms of advertising to Google and social ads for a long time, thanks to which we can convince customers to replace their old heating systems with modern heat pumps.

Would you like to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of native ads compared to SEA and social media ads? Then click here

But I have to admit that my know-how in the area of digital advertising is limited, as as an all-rounder, I only have little time to delve deeper into this topic. This ad particularly appealed to me because it was seamlessly integrated into the editorial environment and thus attracted my attention,” explains the 32-year-old. Bachmann also wanted to launch such an online campaign for heating manufacturers.

Create native ads yourself with the Yaleo ad manager

A little later, he independently created a subject with the free advertising manager from digital marketer Audienzz to promote his SME's service. “It was very simple: I chose an image, wrote a short teaser text, chose where I wanted to display the native ads and defined the price I wanted to pay per click on the ad,” he describes the process.

Sounds interesting? Then find out here how to design your first native ad campaign yourself with Yaleo's ad manager in 5 easy steps.

Cost-effective advertising budget

Audienzz's Yaleo network comprises 170 premium websites and apps in all parts of Switzerland. These include, or The special thing about it: The online ads dynamically adapt to the environment of the website on which they appear. What particularly impressed Bachmann: “Since I was able to choose the click price myself, I was able to calculate the campaign well and use our advertising budget cost-effectively. At the same time, I was given access to Audienzz's Adconsole. There I can watch the performance live and adjust it if necessary.”

Not only numerous clicks, but also valuable leads

Marcel Bachmann and Heizungsmacher AG are more than satisfied with the results of the campaign: “We were not only able to get many clicks on our ads, but were also able to actually provide an offer to a large part of the interested parties, whom we brought to our website in this way. Yaleo has helped us acquire new customers during this challenging time.”

Why do native ads work better than other forms of advertising? Learn more about the benefits of native advertising here.

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