This is how you define your target group

The best advertising is useless if it reaches the wrong target group. Read our knowledge blog to learn how to get in touch with potential customers.

The best advertising is useless if it reaches the wrong target group. Read our knowledge blog to learn how to get in touch with potential customers.

Urs Müller is an above-average user of online media. He reads the news on every day, but also uses the NZZ digital subscription on Sunday. The 43-year-old is most interested in the topics of sustainability and sport. Urs is delighted with the solar system on the roof of his residential complex and the weekly jogging round in the countryside makes him happy.

Urs Müller doesn't really exist. But he describes a fictitious customer who represents a specific customer group. A persona like Urs helps to develop a deeper understanding of the wishes and needs of customers. Urs is, so to speak, the prototype for the target group. It is easier to put yourself in the position of a hypothetical person than to understand the behavior of an entire group. Persona profiles uncover customer requirements in terms of products and services. At the same time, weak points can be found and finally resolved.

Find the right target group

But how do you find the right target group? Create three to seven different persona profiles of fictitious customers. In addition to demographic data such as age and gender, socio-economic and psychographic characteristics are important for determining the target group. Answer questions such as: What are the person's interests? What is important to the person? What does the person dislike at all? What does the person's everyday life look like? How much does the person earn? Be critical of yourself: If 35-year-old Anna's profile is too similar to 46-year-old Claudia, brush the two persona profiles together into one. It is better to have fewer personas with a clear profile than many with overlapping characteristics.

Checklist for creating persona profiles

  • What are the person's interests?
  • What is important to the person?
  • What does the person dislike at all?
  • What does the person earn?
  • What are the person's goals?
  • What are the person's wishes and needs?
  • What does the person's everyday life look like?
  • What does the person do?
  • What does the person do in their free time?

Surveys with existing customers provide important insights

In addition to fictitious persona profiles, target groups can also be defined based on surveys with existing customers. Ask your customers about their consumer behavior, preferences, and budget. Here, too, demographic, socio-economic and psychographic characteristics count in order to classify them sensibly. In the B2B sector, criteria such as industry affiliation, company size, company phase or regional differentiation are decisive for determining the target groups.

Key features for defining target groups

B2C area

  • Demographically
  • Socio-economic
  • Psychographically
  • Buying behavior
  • age
  • Level of education
  • motivation
  • price sensitivity
  • gender
  • profession
  • opinion
  • Quality awareness
  • marital status
  • incomes
  • wishes
  • media usage
  • residence
  • ValuesOpen for new things
  • Household size
  • Lifestyle
  • habitual buyers

B2B area

  • Industry affiliation
  • company size
  • Business phase
  • Regional delimitation

Once the target groups have been analysed and defined, it is possible to address customers in a targeted and individual manner. The result of this personal approach is that they feel more connected to the products and services and are more likely to remain loyal to the brand. And closer customer loyalty leads to higher sales figures in the long term.

Now it's still a matter of reaching customers in the channels in which they operate.

With our Yaleo network, you can reach your target group on over 170 Swiss information platforms.

With the Yaleo ad manager, you can quickly and easily get in touch with the defined target groups in appropriate media. You advertise on 170 Swiss premium websites and apps and we place your message in the context of well-known Internet platforms such as NZZ, Blick or AZ — so that you can address your target group when they are most receptive. With Yaleo's Native Ad Manager, you can reach potential customers across Switzerland based on geographical or language criteria. The real-time dashboard allows you to track the performance of your ads live and edit and optimize campaigns as needed.

Sounds interesting? Then find out here why native ads work better than other forms of advertising. Learn more about the benefits of native advertising here.

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