Quality vs. quantity in online advertising campaigns: Cheaper isn't always better

In our knowledge blog, you can find out which factors influence the price of an advertising campaign and which quality features need to be considered.

In our knowledge blog, you can find out which factors influence the price of an advertising campaign and which quality features need to be considered.

Sure, you don't have an unlimited budget to finance your advertising campaign, so you need to be cost-effective. But cheaper doesn't always mean better. And it is not always worthwhile to buy as many impressions or clicks as possible for little money. We will explain to you why this is the case here.

It may be tempting to buy ad impressions and clicks on the advertising market for a reasonable price. But: Especially with pay-per-click campaigns, the question is where your ad is actually displayed and who clicks on it. The rule here is: quality over quantity. So that you don't throw your advertising budget out the window and your campaign is cost-effective, you should ask yourself a few questions in advance. To help you keep track of things, we have put together the most important criteria for you to consider:

Which websites will my campaign appear on?

The best advertising campaign is of no use if it isn't played out where you reach your target group. Online advertising is often displayed even in dubious environments that can be potentially harmful to your brand. It is therefore essential that you know which channels your advertising appears on and that they are reputable. At best, you have an overview of all websites on which your campaign is running. You should also always focus on your target group — because the best advertising is of no use if it reaches the wrong target group.

Figure out how to define your target audience. Read our post here.

Where is my traffic coming from?

Traffic is generally referred to as visitor access to a website. To increase it, you can tap into various traffic sources. But beware: Not all traffic is the same. What you need are visitors who, in line with your target group, are actually interested in your offer and find you through reputable sources of information and websites. Use the Yaleo network, for example. Your ad will then be displayed on 170 Swiss premium websites and apps across Switzerland and you can be sure that you're generating natural traffic.

Bot traffic vs. human traffic

There is always talk of “bad” bot traffic on websites. Bot traffic describes any non-human access to a website. It is used for various purposes and generally falsifies the number of hits on a website. Our tip: Make sure you avoid websites with lots of bot traffic for your campaign. You can safely save yourself the costs of advertising there.

What does pay per click actually mean? Read our article here and find out more.

Avoid costs from middlemen

Maintaining an overview of the online marketing universe can be quite time-consuming. It is therefore not uncommon for you to meet experts and agencies who want to exploit your ignorance and earn money from your campaign. To ensure that your advertising franc flows effectively into your campaign and that you achieve a large advertising impact with as little money as possible, we recommend that you eliminate such intermediaries as much as possible.

Take the right mix of online marketing measures

You have a variety of options to digitally promote your product or service. Whether it's social media marketing, search engine advertising or performance-driven advertising measures — they all have advantages and disadvantages. So you need to think about which ones are most effective for you and your business goals.

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